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Keep Up On Do-It-Yourself Maintenance

3rd Jun 2015

You car is something that you rely on day in and day out. Without it you may not be able to get to and from work. Relying on someone else to get you to and from places isn’t something that you want to start doing, which is why, today, we’re going to give car maintenance tasks that you can do yourself to enhance the longevity of your car.

  • Change your air filter! This only take 10 minutes to complete, and it’ll usually cost you less than $15.
  • Change your oil and air filter. This will take about 45 minutes to complete, and will cost you half the money if you change both yourself. Be smart about it and make sure your engine and oil are cool when doing this.
  • Replace your windshield wipers. Depending on the style and brand you get, your windshield wipers can cost you up to $20 or so. Replacing them is easy, and it is something you can do on your own!
  • Check your battery connection. Make sure that your battery is well connected and is properly maintained. If you don’t already have a wire brush, you can purchase one for under $5. Use a wire brush to remove the corrosion on the battery with a soda and water mixture.
  • How are your headlights? Replace your headlights on your own to keep the cost down. It can cost you anywhere from $20-$100 to replace your headlights depending on the brand you prefer.
  • Install new brake pads. Without brakes, you can’t drive! You want to feel safe when driving, if you’re up for new brakes, try doing it yourself.
  • Change your Chevy truck fuel line on your own. With pre-bent fuel lines, you can expect your fuel line installation to be easy and painless.

To learn more about Chevy truck fuel lines visit Lines-To-Go online now!